Court: Environment and Land Court at Busia
Category: Civil
Judge(s): A. K. Kaniaru, A. Omollo
Judgment Date: July 22, 2020
Country: Kenya
Document Type: PDF
Number of Pages: 3
Explore the Waziri Awiti v Venancius Mutswenje [2020] eKLR case summary. Gain insights into the judgment, legal principles, and implications for similar cases.Case Brief: Waziri Awiti v Venancius Mutswenje [2020] eKLR1. Case Information: - Name of the Case: Waziri Awiti v. Venancius Mutswenje - Case Number: ELC Case No. 113 of 2013 (Formerly HCC No. 11 of 2009 (O.S)) - Court: Environment and Land Court at Busia - Date Delivered: July 22, 2020 - Category of Law: Civil - Judge(s): A. K. Kaniaru, A. Omollo - Country: Kenya2. Questions Presented: The court was required to resolve the following central legal issues: a. Whether the plaintiff has been in open and notorious possession of the suit land for a period exceeding 12 years. b. Whether the defendant’s title to the land has been extinguished due to the plaintiff's adverse possession. c. Whether the defendant's registration as the owner of the land should be cancelled and the plaintiff registered as the owner. d. Who should bear the costs of the case.................
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